Author: Arielle Silver-Willner

Lilith Votes: The Truth about Voter Suppression

The “use it or lose it” attitude toward voter registration reveals a major flaw in our country— it seems that voting is in fact not a right, but a privilege.

Twinkle Times Two: On Vigilance and Anxiety

I have spent almost a quarter of my life fighting to regain the control over my body that Lyme Disease has taken from me. Now I am battling not only the invaders inside of me, but also the threat outside my door.

From Catholic to Conservative Jew: One Spiritual Journey

Within the Orthodox community I have not been treated differently. When I did my very first Pesach, this woman asked, “Do you have food for Pesach?” I said “No,”…she sent me apple juice and all the seasonings and everything you can think of. And she said, “You’re a single woman, this is what we’re here for.” That’s when I knew I was welcome and I didn’t have to worry about much.

I Wasn’t Ready for My Bat Mitzvah at 13.

After the service, I was approached by relatives, friends, and congregation members wishing me mazel tov and telling me what a great job I had done. So poised! So insightful! So well-spoken! But here’s the thing—I wasn’t.