Lilith Staff
Gender and Yiddish fiction on the latest episode of “The Dybbukast.”
Gender and Yiddish fiction on the latest episode of “The Dybbukast.”
Q & A on Sue Shapiros novel “The Book Bible” and her advice to future authors.
Los Angeles-based poet Rhiannon McGavin talks to Lilth about her sophomore collection of poetry, Grocery List Poems.
Choosing to go to the mikveh this last time felt like something I had to do for myself, alone.
‘The New Forty’ invites women 40 years old to 100+ who are new to writing for publication to participate in a one year Jewish feminist writing cohort.
You can’t make a voodoo doll, I repeat. It isn’t our magic to use. I think of the magic that should be ours to use, instead. The faith we should have in our mezuzot and our medicine. A magic based on belief in the good.
Trying to regain my bearings, I clicked on the Yad Vashem link. There, staring right back at the screen for the first time in my life, my grandmother revealed herself to me.
The candles you place in us burn for exactly three hours. As their glow infuses the room and transforms it to sacred space, we watch you savor your dinner and wine.
Tisha B’av is a holiday about mourning. I often feel like I’m in a perpetual state of mourning.