Women Professionals

A top official of the National Jewish Community Relations Advisory Council has urged member agencies to actively recruit more women as both lay leaders and professionals.

Speaking before some 400 delegates at a session of the NJCRAC’s four-day plenary meeting in Cincinnati January 22, Albert D. Chernin, NJCRAC Executive Vice Chairman, quoted the findings of a recent questionnaire distributed by its Task Force on Women to the 102 local member agencies in Jewish population areas ranging from under 5,000 to two million. Among them were the following data on women professionals:

• 45% of full-time professionals are women but only 17% are executives.

• 65% of women professionals earn salaries below $20,000.

• Only one woman professional earns $25,000 or more; 23 male professionals are in that bracket, including several who earn over $40,000.

• Not one male professional earns less than $10,000; four women do.