Transparent is Back!
5778 Starts with Pfeffermans
Transparent Season 4 launched on Amazon Prime on September 22—the second day of Rosh Hashanah. “The Pfeffermans take off on a spiritual and political journey as they dig deep into their family’s history,” reads show’s trailer on YouTube. “Maura heads to Israel to speak at a conference and makes a startling discovery. Before long the rest of the family joins her for an explosive adventure. Adrift in the desert, each member of the family ultimately set off on their own paths to find acceptance, love, and truth.”
In an interview with Hadassah magazine, its Emmy-award winning director Jill Solloway called Transparent “the most Jewish show on television.” For those who agree with Solloway and treat Transparent like a midrash on modern Jewish identity, watching the 10 new episodes in Season 4 will provide new ideas to ponder during the days Days of Awe and beyond.