Nudel Appeal Update
LILITH received many letters along with signatures to our Women’s Appeal for Ida Nudel (see Kol Ishah. The letters below are a representative sampling.
Thanks for sending me a copy of LILITH. I remember how much I enjoyed getting it in Congress, and I miss not having it. So you’ve got a new subscriber.
I hope the Ida Nudel Appeal works; I met her in the Soviet Union many years ago—what they’re doing to her is just plain inhumane.
Elizabeth Holtzman
District Attorney of Kings County
Brooklyn NY
I am delighted to learn that your magazine is actively engaged in work on behalf of Ida Nudel. The more positive persuasion the American public can put upon the U.S.S.R., the more chance there is that she and all of the refuseniks will be permitted to emigrate.
Hadassah has been actively engaged in a very strong Soviet Jewry program for many years. Although we work for all refuseniks, we have also undertaken a special effort for Ida Nudel. A number of years ago, we presented Ida Nudel (in absentia) with the Henrietta Szold Award, Hadassah’s most prestigious award, at our National Convention. Her sister, Elena Fridman, accepted for her. Throughout the years, we have also had hundreds of our members writing to Ida, as well as to various officials on her behalf. Also, on Ida Nudel’s recent birthday in April, literally thousands of birthday cards were sent to her from Hadassah members.
Evelyn W. Sondheim
National Soviet Jewry Chairman
New York NY
Thank you for including me in the Women’s Appeal on behalf of Ida Nudel. I enlisted the help of the residents of Philadelphia Geriatric Center, where I serve as Chaplain. I was able to collect 39 signed letters, all but a few of which are from my congregants, who range in age from 80 to 99. Those who signed were most enthusiastic, and glad to participate in the Mitzvah of Pidyon Shivuyim, releasing the imprisoned. One of them felt moved to write a note [which follows], which is most poignant as she is gravely ill.
Rabbi Dayle Friedman, Chaplain
Philadelphia Geriatric Center
Philadelphia PA
Please help Mrs. Nudel to live a good, clean, healthy life in the land and country where she will be happy and healthy…. November 7,1987,I will be, with God’s help, 86 years young. I had a girl and a boy. The girl went to the Holy Land at age 54, the boy at 60. They are waiting for me—a happy ending.
Eva Klein
Philadelphia Geriatric Center
Philadelphia PA
Thank you for sending us a copy of your Appeal on behalf of Ida Nudel. The National Council of Jewish Women has always been committed to supporting and working for the cause of our brothers and sisters trapped in the Soviet Union. We are one of the member organizations in the Women’s Plea for Soviet Jewry and were the National convener of this program in 1984. Just this year we issued an “Action Alert” calling on our members to write to Ida Nudel on her birthday.
David Kunin,
Coordinator Jewish life
National Council of Jewish Women
New York NY