

THE JEWISH FAMILY and its problems is the focus of a new study guide in “Bat KolT Fall ’88, and “Textures” $3. Hadassah Order Department/50 West 58th Street/New York, NY 10019.

“JAP JOKES: HATEFUL HUMOR,” is a booklet by Mimi Alperin, describing recent analyses of the anti-Semitic stereotypes associated with “Jewish American Princess” humor, $1. American Jewish Committee/165 East 56th Street/New York, NY 10022.

HOLOCAUST SURVIVORS WHO WERE CHILDREN during the Nazi era give their testimony in One-to-One, a teaching module for Jewish junior and senior high schools. Also available is a bibliography of Holocaust reference material written in English, with readings suitable for children and teenagers specially noted for teachers. Center for Holocaust Studies/1609 Avenue J/Brooklyn, NY 11230.

You can get samples of a quarterly newsletter sharing the experiences of more than a dozen WOMEN’S PRAYER GROUPS committed to full participation and observance of Jewish ritual. Women’s Tefillah Network/P.O. Box 3002361 Brooklyn, NY 11230.

Hazon, a new English-language magazine published in Jerusalem, seeks to bridge the gap between SECULAR AND RELIGIOUS COMMUNITIES IN ISRAEL. The Gesher Foundation/421 Seventh Avenue/New York, NY 10001.

An extensive list of feminist literature by and about Jewish women is available ON TAPE AND IN BRAILLE. Womyn’s Braille Press/ P.O. Box 84751 Minneapolis, MN 55408.

“When There Is No Alternative” by Rabbi Sanford Seltzer, is a 34-page guide for Jewish COUPLES CONSIDERING DIVORCE. Union of American Hebrew Congregations/1330 Beacon Street/ Brookline, MA 02146.


“ABORTION: FOR SURVIVAL” is a new videotape designed to reshape the U.S. abortion debate by dramatically showing the critical need for abortion in both a personal and global context. $20 per copy plus $2.50 shipping; $1 for a viewing guide. Fund for the Feminist Majority/1600 Wilson Blvd. Suite 704/Arlington, VA 22209.

COMEDIENNE MARION WEINS-TEIN performs at Top of the Gate in a 41-minute audio or video tape. Earth Magic Productions/2170 Broadway Suite 161 New York, NY 10024.

“Lecha Dodi” (Come, My Beloved) TRADITIONAL SABBATH SONGS with Achi Ben-Shalom and Dolly Moda’i, and “Yadayim L’Mala” (Hands Up!), traditional Israeli children’s songs with Rom Rosenblum, Debby Graudenz and Bracha Trabin, are 25-minute audio cassettes. Remez Records/1019 Aileen Street/Oakland, CA 94608.

“Murray Avenue” is a 28-minute color film by Sheila Chamovitz portraying a Jewish NEIGHBORHOOD IN TRANSITION. New Day Films/853 Broadway Suite 1210/New York, NY 10003.

“WORKING IT OUT: BLACKS AND JEWS ON THE COLLEGE CAMPUS” is a 30-minute video documentary about a prejudice-reduction program. The National Coalition Building Institute/172 Brattle Street/Arlington, MA 02174.

“PLANTING SEEDS FOR PEACE” is a 23-minute video focusing on the relationships among four Israeli Arab, Jewish and Palestinian teenagers. Es-chaton Foundation/Educational Film and Video Project/5332 College Avenue #101IOakland CA 94618.

“Faith Amid the Flames” is a 40-minute video documenting the SPIRITUAL HEROISM AND RESISTANCE of Orthodox Jews during the Holocaust. Eventful Enterprise/21 West 38th Street/New York, NY 10018.

“Bli Sodot – Without Secrets;’ “Parpar Nechmad — Lovely Butterfly,” and “Keshet Ve Anan — Cloud and Rainbow” are three series of educational video cassettes produced by Israel Educational Television in HEBREW FOR CHILDREN with little knowledge of the language. SISU Home Entertainment/20 West 38th Street Suite 402/New York, NY 10018.


The Hermine Weinberg Residential Drug Rehabilitation Center for Women is a treatment center designed specifically for DRUG DEPENDENT JEWISH WOMEN, with special accommodations and provisions for mothers and their children. Chabad National Drug Abuse Treatment Programs/1952 S. Robertson Blvd./Los Angeles, CA 90034.

ISRAEL NEEDS VOLUNTEERS to serve for two to three weeks or more on army bases, in hospitals, kibbutzim or other places of community service. Volunteers pay discounted airfare; lodging and meals are provided. Volunteers for Israel/40 Worth Street Room 710/New York, NY 10013.

The Corps of Service to the Jewish People needs post-college and retired Jews to VOLUNTEER IN JEWISH COMMUNITIES AROUND THE WORLD. Travel and living expenses will be reimbursed. Corps of Service to the Jewish People/Union of American Hebrew Congregations/838 Fifth Avenue/New York, NY 10021.

The International Coalition for the Rescue of the Jews of Yemen is a new group formed to encourage the United States Government to exert diplomatic pressure to change the deplorable conditions endured by JEWS IN YEMEN, including the kidnapping and forced conversion of Jewish women to Islam. ICROJOY/c/o Hayim Tawil/150 Nassau Street Suite 1238/New York, NY 10038.

The Women’s Organization for Political Prisoners is made up of Palestinian and Israeli women in OPPOSITION TO ISRAELI OCCUPATION of the West Bank and Gaza Strip. They support Palestinian and Israeli women political prisoners. Legal Aid for Women Detainees!do WOFPP/P.O. Box 31811/61318 Tel AvivlISRAEL.

The Jewish Children’s Bureau of Chicago is seeking foster parents, professionals or youngsters involved with the agency’s RESETTLEMENT OF EUROPEAN CHILDREN during the period from 1933 to 1953. Dr. Ruth Stock Zober or Charlotte Dolins-Lozanol(312)444-2090.

WITNESSES ARE SOUGHT with direct knowledge of the mass executions which took place in the vicinity of Riga, Daugavpils (Dvinsk) and Liepaja between July 1941 and July 1942. Of particular focus are the actions of the Arajs Kommando, a Latvian auxiliary police unit under the command of the Germans. Royal Canadian Mounted Police/War Crimes Unit/1200 Alta Vista Drive I Ottawa , Ontario/ CANADA.

JEWISH BOOKS IN RUSSIAN AND ENGLISH are needed to send to Jews in the USSR who have expressed a desire to connect with their heritage. Project Sefer/Stu-dent Struggle for Soviet Jewry/210 West 91st Street/New York, NY 10024.

THE ANNE FRANK CENTER creates educational outreach efforts such as the traveling exhibit, “Anne Frank in the World: 1929-1945!’ Membership ($25) includes a subscription to the center’s newsletter “Legacy.” The American Friends of the Anne Frank Center Inc.1106 East 19th Street/New York, NY 10003.

A new program aimed at exploring WOMEN’S SPIRITUALITY in Judaism, has been established by K’fari, the Center for Rural Judaism. An information center will collect stories of spiritual and religious experiences, and some of these will be published in a quarterly newsletter. Neshamal P.O. Box 545/Brookline, MA 02146 or The K’fari Centerl RFD 1, Box256ICabot, VT05647.

To heighten worldwide awareness of the plight of famine-stricken Ethiopian Jewry, you can wear a silver and leather bracelet engraved with the words “Beta Yisrael” and “REUNIFY ETHIOPIAN JEWRY,” This project is a joint effort of the World Union of Jewish Students, the American Association for Ethiopian Jews and B’nai Brith Hillel Foundations. All proceeds go towards the campaign. Bracelets are $18 each; $10 for students; in lots of 10, $8 each; add $2 postage per order. B’nai Brith Hillel Foundations/1640 Rhode Island Avenue AW’/Washington, DC 20036.

THE ORGANIZATION FOR THE ADULT CHILDREN OF JEWISH-GENTILE INTERMARRIAGES distributes a newsletter and audiotapes on a variety of relevant subjects. Pareveh/3628 Windom Place NW/Washington DC 20008.

A new group is reaching out to BATTERED JEWISH WOMEN and attempting to educate the Jewish community about domestic violence through an outreach brochure, rabbis’ training and a speakers bureau. The Jewish Working Group on Domestic Violence/clo Jewish Family and Children’s Services/1610 Spruce Street/Philadelphia, PA 19107.


Entries for a book that will SHOWCASE THE RICH CEREMONIAL LIFE Jewish women are creating to mark special occasions. Woman’s Institute for Continuing Jewish Education/4079 54th Street/San Diego, CA 92105.

Papers on the values, issues, attitudes and dynamics that may appear in therapy with Jewish women, as clients or therapists, for a SPECIAL ISSUE OF THE JOURNAL “WOMEN & THERAPY.” Submissions on the experiences of recent Russian immigrants, women who converted to Judaism, Sephardi or lesbian women are especially encouraged. Submit two copies of a one-page, double-spaced abstract before September 15, with SASE. Rachel Josefewitz Siegel/108 West Buffalo Street/Ithaca, NY 14850.

Materials for a special exhibition, “BE FRUITFUL AND MULTIPLY,” about childbearing in Jewish tradition. Photographs portraying lying-in customs of the past, unusual birth certificates, birth congratulatory letters, texts and pho-todocumentation of new birthing ceremonies, such as girl-welcoming, weaning ceremonies, tree-planting in honor of a birth. Dr. Michele Klein/Beth Hatefutsoth-Museum of the Jewish Diaspora, Ramat Aviv/P.O.B. 39359/61392 Tel Aviv!ISRAEL.

“YOU CAN HELP SHAPE THE UNITED STATES HOLOCAUST MEMORIAL MUSEUM” is a brochure describing the ongoing worldwide search for authentic-artifacts . US Holocaust Memorial Council/2000 L Street NW Suite 588/Washington, DC 20036.

Poetry entries for the third annual Anna Davidson Rosenberg Award for POEMS ON THE JEWISH EXPERIENCE will be accepted until August 31. Send SASE for entry form and guidelines. Poetry Award Coordinator/Judah L. Magnes Museum/Berkeley, CA 94705.