Resources for Jewish Women
Across Boundaries: A History of Jewish Women in America, a conference to lake place at the University of Maryland at College Park, October 31 to November 1, will explore the ways American Jewish women have functioned historically in their families and in the American and Jewish communities. Information: Professor Hasia Diner, Dept. of American Studies, University of Maryland. College Park, MD 20742 (301)405-1357
Remarriage and Stepparenting in the Jewish) Community, by Nathalic Friedman, explores what Jewish culture, ritual and tradition can offer remarried families— the resolution of religious differences between parent and stepparent or between parent and ex-spouse, how to make decisions about religious observance, and the opportunities in Jewish observance to develop new family rituals for a sense of common identity. $5.00. William Petschek National .Jewish Family Center. American Jewish Committee. 165 E. 56th St.. New York. NY 10021
The Israeli Corner of the American Jewish Community, a report by Sherry Rosen, considers the role Israelis play in the education of American Jewish children, offers insight into how Israelis approach our common task of transmitting Jewish identity to the next generation, and suggests ways to involve American Israelis in the Jewish community. $3.00. Institute on American Jewish-lsraeli Relations. Issues Series #3. From AJC, address above.
Videos combat bigotry and challenge stereotypes. Anti- Semitism on the College Campus,” “Names Can Really Hurt Us.” and “Rapmattazz: A Notebook Against Prejudice.” are among others listed in the AV Catalog of Anti-Defamation League. Materials Resource Center, 823 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017 (212)490-2525.
Are there roads still untaken that beckon to you? Anyone over age 60 may enter an essay contest administered by the Jewish Association for Services for the Aged, by July 31. Details: Legacies 11. 40 W.68 St.. New York, NY 10023 (212)724-3200
Fireweed, A Feminist Quarterly: Jewish Women, #35, the first collection of Jewish feminist writing in Canada, has 127 pages of poems, photo essays, memoirs, reviews, and politics. $7.00. Fireweed, P.O. Box 279 Station B. Toronto, ON Canada M5T2W2.
Jewish Lesbian & Gay Archive seeks information or material in for a bibliography resource guide. Submit also for an anthology of Jewish lesbian & gay fiction. John Abush, 1407-50 Alexander St.. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y1B6.
Israeii Lesbian Orai History Project (in English) seeks volunteer transcribers of taped interviews and editors of completed histories. Tracy Moore, 679 Vanderbilt Ave.. #2R. Brooklyn, NY 11238.
Jewish Perspectives on Multiculturalism. For an anthology that explores the role, importance and even the danger of multiculurahsm to the Jewish community, send articles. bibliographies, curricula, reports of controversies, film resources, interviews, roundtable exchanges, sermons, poetry, suggestions, guidelines to Maria Brettschneider: (through 7/1/31) Politics Dept., New York University, 715 Broadway, 4th Fl, New York, NY 10003: (after 8/1/93) Political Science Dept., Bloomsburg University, Bloornshurg, PA 1781
Nevek Shaymot, Names of Jewish victims of Hungarian Labor Battalions brings information to the genera] public and combats revisionist historians. To obtain information about individuals listed in this volume, or a bibliography of yizkor [memorial] books written for cities and areas in greater Hungary, contact Louis Schonfeld P.O. Box 34152. Cleveland, OH 44134-0852, (216)-661-3970, FAX (216) 741- 7329.
Tefillin for women too. Tefillin: “And You Shall Bind Them…” is a book for pre-Bat and Bar Mitzvah youngsters telling about two small leather cases, containing passages from the Bible, worn on the forehead and one arm during weekday morning prayers. Traditionally worn only by men, exceptional Jewish women throughout history have also worn them, and today many egalitarian-minded women take this obligation on themselves as well. 50 pages of stories and instructions. $5.95, United Synagogue Book Service, 155 5th Ave.. New York, NY 10010.
Siddur Birkat Shalom is a work in progress in which prayers have been adapted for egalitarian God-and-people-language in Hebrew and English. Working towards completion of the entire Shabbat morning service. (See review, LILITH, Vol. 17 #4, Fall ’92,) $10.00, Siddur Project, Havurat Shalom, 113 College Avenue, Somerville, MA 02144.
Glorious Crowns are head coverings (kippot) designed for women by artist Sara Harwin who also creates wedding canopies and Torah mantles. Harwin Studios, 9101 SW 15th Ave., Portland, OR 97219.
Living Waters is a Jewish renewal retreat in a setting by the sea, a spiritual health spa integrating mystical Judaism and ancient rituals with modern egalitarian interpretations, under the guidance of Rabbi Shoni Labowitz. Initially June 11-13. Temple Adath Or/ Living Waters, 11460 SW 16th St, Davie Ft 33325 (305) 476-7466 FAX (305) 472-6533.
The Complete Guide to Israel Programs is a comprehensive listing for young American Jews, with content, price, dates and ages. American Zionist Youth Foundation, 110 E. 59th St., New York. NY 10022-1373. 1-800-27- ISRAE(L).
Pedal for Progress: An all women route focusing on women and AIDS will be one section of an annual transcontinental bicycle trek leaving Portland, OR on June 16, arriving in Washington, DC on August 20. To ride, host or meet the group this summer, contact BIKE AID, 333 Valencia St., #330, San Francisco, CA 94103(415)431-4480.
Children of the Holocaust who hid in attics, orphanages, woods, sewers, convents, hospitals, with Christian families, under false identity papers, or who survived the concentration camps, are invited with their guests to join the Hidden Child Foundation/ Anti-Defamation League, for the Second International Gathering in Jerusalem, July 12-15. HCF /ADL, 823 UN Plaza, New York, NY 10017(212)490-2525.
Buffalo on the Roof. What? A week-long celebration of Yiddish/Klezmer and other Eastern European music, dance and folklore, August 11-17 at Buffalo Gap Camp for Cultural Arts in Capon Ridge, West Virginia. MFAC, P.O. Box 15085, Laming Ml 48901-5085; Judy Barlas (517) 484-3619, or Michael Alpert (212) 666-5028.
Israeli folkdance enthusiasts can keep up with what’s afoot in Israel, the US and around the world by reading NIRKODA. published three times a year. Subscriptions include bimonthly special events calendars. $10.00, Israeli Dance Institute, JCRC, 12th Fl, 711 3rd Ave, New York NY 10017 (212) 983-4806, xl44
Alumnae of Jewish summer camps, here are reunions: Schwayder Camp of Congregation Emanuel, Denver CO, contact Sharon Marks Elfenbein, 170 Lafayette, Denver, CO 80218,’or (303) 722-8162. Herzl Camp in northwestern Wisconsin, contact Amy or Steve Herzl Camp, 4517 Minnetonka Blvd. #206. St. Lotus Park. MN 55416, (612) 927-4002, Camp Wise of the Jewish Community Center of Cleveland, 26001 South Woodland Rd., Beachwood, OH 44122 (216) 831-0700, x350.
Breast Calcifications is a special bulletin about the often poorly explained finding of mammography. SASE. Women’s Cancer Resource Center, 3023 Shattuck Ave., Berkeley, CA 94705 (510) 548-9286
Jewish Women and Nursing: An Overview of Early History, by Evelyn R. Benson and Janice Selekman, begins to fill a gap in nursing history. Reprints from December 1992, Volume 23, Number 4, The Journal of the New York State Nurses A.i.m., 2113 Western Ave., Guilderland, NY 12084-9501
Women’s Health Now: A Woman’s Health Is in Her Own Hands, is a monthly newsletter with facts and news. Yeariy subscriptions, $ 18.00. Troy Publishing, 233 Harvard St., ‘#101, Brookline, MA 02146 (617)277-7780.
Positive Living, a booklet about HIV. tells how to get support, medical information and care, and how to protect yourself and others. “HIV Negative; When Are You free from HIV?” is also free. American Social Health Association. P.O. Box 13827, Dept. R. Research Triangle Park, NC 27709.
The Healthy Heart Handbook for Women tells how to reduce the risk of heart disease and discusses birth control pills, alcohol, hormones, menopause, and aspirin, $4.75 #017-043-00122-2, New Orders, Superintendent of Documents, P.O. Box 371954, Pittsburgh, PA 15250-7954.
Women’s Transit Authority, a local rape-prevention ride service, will celebrate 20 years of service to women by women with a booklet highlighting the experiences of hundreds of volunteers and thousands of riders. Write in your experience by August 31 (or start a service in your community). Women’s Transit Authority. 306 N Brooks St., Madison, WI 53715.