A Jewish Women’s World Parliament will be convened in Jerusalem April 25-28,1988 sponsored by the International Council of Jewish Women. The conference is designed to be a World Forum of Jewish Women Leaders. The theme will be “Towards the Year 2000—Shaping Our Common Future.”
The Secretariat,Jewish Women’s World, Leadership Forum, P.O. Box 50432, Tel Aviv
61500 Israel
The thirteeneth annual Conference on Alternatives in Jewish Education (CAJE) will be held at the Hebrew University in Jerusalem July 31- August 5, 1988.
CAJE, 468 Park Avenue South, Room 904, New York NY 10016
(212) 696-0742
The National Women’s Studies Association will hold its tenth annual conference, “Leadership and Power: Women’s Alliances for Social Change” at the University of Minnesota June 22-26, 1988. The theme is how women of various backgrounds can work together.
NWSA’88, Lori Graven or Ann Veverica, Dept of Professional Development, 315 Pillsbury Drive SE, University of Minnesota, Minneapolis MN 55455-0139, (612) 625-9023
The YIVO Institute for Jewish Research will hold its third annual Yiddish Folks Art Program December 20-25, 1987 in Parkesville NY. The program will offer instruction in dance, folklore, language and many other areas.
Henry Sapoznik, YIVO, 1048 Fifth Avenue, New York NY 10028, (212) 535-6700
Penina Peli, Chairwoman of the Jerusalem International Conference on Women and Halacha, held in December, 1986, is organizing a workshop on women and kabbalah (mysticism) for the next conference.
9 Brenner Street, Jerusalem Israel
A full-day interfaith seminar on “Woman’s Rite to Ritual” will take place December 7, 1987 at Hebrew Union College- Jewish Institute of Religion to explore the role of women in today’s modern religious liturgy.
HUC-JIR Brookdale Center, 1 West 4th Street, New York NY 10012-1186, (212) 674-5300
B’nai B’rith Women has developed a package entitled “Image of the Jewish Woman: Myth and Reality.” It contains four separate programs: an audio tape and discussion guide on stereotyping of Jewish women; an oral history project on the role of Jewish women in immigration and assimilation into American culture; a film-and-discussion guide on Jewish women and values; and an activity and discussion guide on how stereotypes affect relationships between Jewish women and men.
BBW’s National Program, Services & Public Affairs Dept., 1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW, Washington DC 20036
“A Catalogue of Audio and Video Collections of Holocaust Testimony,” the first annotated catalogue of collections of taped testimony of survivors and other witnesses of the Holocaust, is now available. Compiled by Drs. Joan Ringleheim and Esther Katz, it includes information on the location, access, and scope of collectionsa round the country.
The Institute for Research in History/Holocaust Catalogue
1133 Broadway, Suite 923, New York NY 10010
“Legacies: An audio introduction to the history of women and the family in America 1607-1870″ is part of the Annenberg/CPB Audio Print Course Collection.
The Annenberg/CPB Audio-Print Collection
University of Wisconsin-Extension
WHA Radio
821 University Avenue, Madison WI 53706, (608) 263-3970
“The Western Jewish History Center: Guide to Archival and Oral History Collections,” by Ruth Kelson Rafael, has been published by the Western Jewish History Center of the Judah L. Magnes Museum. This catalog of one of the largest collections of archival and oral history materials on Jews of the western United States is illustrated with photographs from the Center’s archives and includes both name and subject indexes.
Judah L. Magnes Museum, 2911 Russell Street, Berkeley CA 94705, (415) 849-2710
The second edition of “The Jewish Women’s Studies Guide” compiled by Rabbi Sue Levi Elwell is now available from Biblio Press, It includes a collection of 18 Jewish women’s studies syllabi by outstanding academics and instructors in Jewish institutions, including Evelyn Torton Beck, Rela Geffen Monson, Celia Weisman, and others. It is available in paperback for $9.75.
Biblio Press, P.O. Box 4271, Fresh Meadows NY 11104
“Women Speak to God: The Prayers & Poems of Jewish Women,” edited by Marcia Cohn Spiegel and Deborah Lipton Kremsdorf, has been published by The Woman’s Institute for Continuing Jewish Education. In the works here, women reveal in their own words their innermost thoughts about God and themselves.
Woman’s Institute for Continuing Jewish Education, 4079 54th Street, San Diego CA 92105
“How To Start a Jewish Women’s Book Collection” by Marcia Posner is a step-by-step guide to organizing a library of Jewish women’s books and resource materials. It is available for $3.50.
Jewish Book Council, 15 East 26th Street, New York NY 10010-1579
“The 1988 Dramatist’s Bible” published by the International Society of Dramatists contains listings designed to help the professional playwright as well as the novice. One chapter cross-references theaters with specialized script needs or interests, including Jewish ones.
ISD fulfillment Center, Box 1310, Miami FL 33153, (800) 521-8333
“Maids and Madams,” Miia Hamermesh’s South African documentary (reported on in LILITH #16), is available for rental from: Filmakers Library
133 East 58th Street, New York NY 10022, (212) 355-6545
The “Friends of Golda Meir, Inc.” are asking for immediate help to save the home where Golda Meir lived in Denver from 1913 to 1921, which is in danger of being demolished. To provide help, or for more information, contact:
Friends of Golda Meir, Inc., P.O. Box 9693, Denver CO 80209, (303) 692-9734
The Jewish Women’s Resource Center of the New York Section of the National Council of Jewish Women sponsors apoetry project, begun in spring of 1985, which meets monthly. Under the direction of Dr. Henny Wenkart, a published poet, participants read work aloud and receive detailed constructive criticism if they wish it. Admission is free and membership is not required.
(212) 535-5900
The International Women Artists Archive, founded in 1978, is a collection of thousands of books and exhibition catalogs, clippings from many kinds of magazines and newspapers, women’s and art periodicals, and a slide library. The Archive maintains files on galleries, organizations, publishers and other resources for women artists and welcomes documentation on art by women. For information on their publication, IWAA News, or on membership, contact:
IWAA, P.O. Box 600, Hadley MA 01035
Midrashim are wanted for an anthology of new interpretive writing by Jewish women. Typed manuscripts may be sent by June 30,1988 to:
Elaine Kahn, 300 Sussex Avenue, Richmond Hill Ontario, Canada L4C 2G7
“Feminist Teacher” is a magazine for teachers, committed to combatting sexism, racism and other forms of oppression in the classroom. The editors are seeking articles and short essays about educational projects, personal experience, course syllabi, news of conferences and publications, as well as art work.
Feminist Teacher, Editorial Collective, Ballantine 442, Indiana University, Bloomington IN 47405
The National Women’s Studies Association will begin publishing the NWSA Journal, a new interdisciplinary, multicultural, feminist journal, with the first issue scheduled for Spring 1988. The journal is soliciting scholarly essays in all disciplines, of interest to women’s studies researchers, teachers, and others involved with feminist concerns.
Maryjo Wagner, Editor, NWSA Journal, Center for Women’s Studies, 207 Dulles Hall
230 W. 17th Street, The Ohio State University, Columbus OH 43201, (614) 292-7014
In its continuing efforts to assist in the identification of suspected Nazi war criminals, the Canadian Jewish Congress is seeking to locate witnesses to events in Galicia, primarily those which took place in Brzezany, Podhajce, Stryj, and Wisniowozyk. Witnesses to the persecution of the Jews in these places and the role played by the police are particularly needed. Anyone with such information is asked to contact:
The Holocaust, Remembrance Committee, Canadian Jewish Congress, 1590 Docteur Penfield, Montreal Quebec, Canada H3G ICS
Editors of a book on the experiences of lesbians who have relinquished children for adoption, including intrafamily adoption, seek manuscripts on these experiences.
Natural Mothers’, Publishing Project, P.O. Box 146401, San Francisco CA 94114
Editors are seeking poems, short prose, letters, journal entries, photographs and drawings for an anthology on love between women over 60. The deadline is February 14, 1988.
Old Lovers, c/o WomanSpirit, 2000 King Mountain Trail, Sunny Valley OR 97497