“Mothers in the Workplace” is a national study of the special needs of families in which mothers with young children work outside their homes. The project is sponsored by the Center for the Child — a research Center founded by the National Council of Jewish Women. For information on how to obtain a copy of the study, contact:
NCJW, Center for the Child
15 East 26th Street
New York NY 10010
The National Conference on Service to Jewish Individuals with Disabilities took place in September 1987. Sponsored by the Council of Jewish Federations, highlights of the Conference included a keynote address on responsibility to the disabled and small workshops and presentations on a range of subjects. For proceedings of the conference write:
730 Broadway
New York NY 10003
A plethora of materials is available from the National Women’s History Project to support multi-cultural women’s history programs. Send $1 for their illustrated catalog to:
PO. Box 3716
Santa Rosa CA 95402
(707) 526-5974
Editor Elinor Fuchs’ Plays of the Holocaust: An International Anthology contains a varied collection of theater pieces that stress the collective catastrophe of the era, rather than the suffering of an individual or a family The anthology includes Nelly Sachs’ “Eli: A Mystery Play of the Sufferings of Israel”. It can be ordered from:
Publications Department
Theater Communications Group
355 Lexington Avenue
New York NY 10017
(212) 697-5230
“Jewish Foodways,” a special issue of Jewish Folklore and Ethnology Review, includes two articles by guest editor Barbara Kirschenblatt- Gimblett: “Recipes for Creating Community: The Jewish Charity Cookbook in America,” and “Jewish Charity Cookbooks in the United States and Canada: A Bibliography of 201 Publications.” It is available for $8 from:
Dr Shalom Staub, Editor
Jewish Folklore and
Ethnology Review
212 Montrose Street
Harrisburg PA 17110
The 1987-88 Jewish Almanac, which includes a comprehensive listing of 16,000 Jewish resources in the U.S. and Canada, is available from:
Pacific Press Inc.
295 Madison Avenue
Suite 1228
New York NY 10017
Between the Clouds and Heaven: A Plea from Refusenik Women has just been published by B’nai B’rith Women. It is a plea for freedom by Jewish women refuseniks trapped in the Soviet Union. Copies of the pamphlet are available free of charge from:
BBW/Program and Public
Affairs Dept.
1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW
Washington DC 20036
(202) 857-6687
Coming Out, Coming Home: Lesbian and Gay Jews and the Jewish Community is a pamphlet available from:
New Jewish Agenda
64 Fulton Street #1100
New York NY 10003
(212) 227-5885
The 1987-88 edition of Jewish Life on Campus, listing which colleges and universities have kosher food facilities, Hillel or other Jewish campus groups, Jewish studies courses and majors, has been published by:
B’nai B’rith Hillel
1640 Rhode Island Avenue NW
Washington DC 20036
“Yiddish Songs of the Holocaust: The Struggle to Survive,” a lecture-recital by folklorist Ruth Rubin, is available on audio cassette. The narrative is in English and the songs are in Yiddish; included are a selection of 13 songs, and excerpts of poetry and diary entries from tlie Holocaust years. The cost per cassette is $10 plus $2 postage.
Sinister Wisdom Books
PO. Box 308
Montpelier VT 05602
The American Jewish Committee has published “Shabbat Delight,” a multi-media kit designed to help young children learn the rituals and meaning of the Sabbath. For more information, contact:
165 East 56 Street
New York NY 10022
(212) 751-4000
The Board of Jewish Education has made available a new cass e t t e and songbook for young children and their families entitled “Because We Love Shabbat!’ The music and accompanying book enable families to capture the spirit of the day through songs, stories and activities. Write to:
Board of Jewish
Education of Greater
New York
426 West 58th Street
New York NY 10019
The Last to Know is a 45 minute film on women alcoholics, including the story of a middle-class Jewish woman victim of the double denial that Jewish women aren’t alcoholics.
Phoenix Films
468 Park Avenue South
New York NY 10016
There are currently women’s tefillah (prayer) groups meeting in the Flatbush, Washington Heights and Riverdale sections of New York City in Great Neck NY, in Wilmington DE and elsewhere. For more information, contact:
Women’s Tefillah Network
PO. Box 300236
Brooklyn NY 11230-0004
The Disabled Artists Network is an information exchange of disabled artists in the visual and sculptural arts. Services include introducing artists to one another, information about opportunities available, as well as about shows, competitions, galleries, and services for professional artists who are disabled. Send a SASE (or a cassette for those who are print or visually handicapped) to:
Disabled Artists Network
PO. Box 20781
New York NY 10025
Photographer Lea Treitmen is making a series of portraits of Jewish women in their home environments. The series intends to portray the diversity of lifestyles of Jewish women in today’s world. If you are interested in participating, phone (212) 795-9635.
Roots of Jewish Feminism, devised by Lea-Beth Novick, is an educational program for women and men that focuses on the lives and accomplishments of Jewish heroines. The joys and struggles of women from biblical to modern times, are presented in terms of their application to contemporary issues. For bookings, contact:
Pati McDermott
(415) 652-6355
EMILY’S List (EMILY stands for “Early Money is Like Yeast”) is a donor network founded in 1985. By 1986 it had grown to a network of 1,200 political venture capitalists committed to raising early money for Democratic women candidates. Members pay $100 to join EMILY’S List, and in addition pledge to donate $100 to $1,000 to two or three, candidates recommended by EMILY’S List. The organization is committed to giving money to viable candidates early in the campaign season, so that they can use those funds to leverage other contributions. To find out more about membership, write:
2000 P Street NW Suite 410
Washington DC 20036
(202) 887-5697
The United States Holocaust Memorial Museum is now seeking the participation of survivors and liberators or their heirs to ensure that the permanent exhibit is as accurate as possible. The museum needs to be made aware of original documents, artifacts, letters, diaries, and photographs that were created in the camps, in ghettos, or in hiding. Send your name, address, and telephone number, along with a description of the object, listing the manufacturer, contents, and physical properties.
Benjamin Mead, Chairman
Content Committee
U.S. Holocaust Memorial
1050 Connecticut Avenue NW
Suite 1150
Washington DC 20036
Poets are invited to submit their work for consideration for “A Sampler of Jewish Women’s Poems,” a project of the Jewish Women’s Resource Center. Include SASE.
National Council of Jewish Women
9 East 69th Street
New York NY 10021
(212) 535-5900