Resources for Jewish Women
Calls For Materials
For an anthology of Holocaust-inspired writing and art, send short written materials or photographs of original art. Cynthia Brody, 1001 Bridgeway, #246, Sausalito, CA 94965. (415)522-9080
Violence Against Women, a journal of research and scholarship, is soliciting theoretical papers, research notes, book reviews, articles or creative work from survivors. Topics include sexual assault and coercion; incest; female infanticide: dowry deaths; domestic violence; pornography; sexual harassment; female genital mutilation and female slavery. Submit 3 copies of a manuscript up to 25 pages. Violence Against Women: Sociology Dept.. St. Joseph’s University, Philadelphia. PA 19131, (610)660-1682.
Building Community, Creating Justice: A Guide For Organizing Tzedakah Collectives, by Betsy Tessler and Jeffrey Dekro. presents the rationale, and the nuts and bolts for bundling charitable contributions with others to increase their impact. (LILITH suggests using this as an opportunity to fund Jewish feminist projects or projects that specifically help women and girls.) 43 pages $11. The Shefa Fund. 7318 Germantown Ave., Philadelphia. PA 19119, (215)247-9704.
Daughter of Zion: Henrietta Szold and American Jewish Womanhood is the largest museum exhibition ever about an American woman, with more than 100 objects and 200 images of the Baltimore native who founded Hadassah, the women’s Zionist organization. Szold (1860-1945) was also an educator, social worker, publisher, rabbinical student medical administrator, and peace activist. Through December 10 at Jewish Historical Society of Maryland, 15 Lloyd St.. Baltimore, MD 21202, (410)732-6400.
The Chicago Booth Festival: Architects Build Shelters for Sukkot features the sukkah, symbol of hospitality and provision to those in need. Each of ten sukkot—which include three by women—will be sold for $2500. Proceeds go to fight homelessness and to a scholarship in non-profit management studies. Exhibit runs through July 26. Illustrated catalog, $18.95. Besty Gomberg, Spertus Museum, 618 South Michigan Ave., Chicago, IL 60605. (312)322-1747
Kaddish, a room-sized multimedia installation of videotapes,pairs personal photographs and voice-over recollections by seven Holocaust survivors. Created by artist Jenni Lukac. Through July 4, 1995. The National Museum of Women in the Arts, 1250 New York Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20005-3920. (202)783-5000.
Women Photographers of the Weimar Republic features 51 photographers in Germany during the late 1920’s and 1930’s, a time of upheaval characterized by a flourishing of both the arts and women’s emancipation. Half the photographers are Jewish; all would be labeled by the Nazis as dangerous to the Aryan ideal of family and femininity. From the Museum Folkwang in Essen, Germany, Catalogue— in German—with 16 essays on photography and gender studies, $85. Through July 30. Jewish Museum, 1109 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10128, (212)423-3200.
Personal Visions: Art and History. In works that consist of wood block reliefs, painted, gilded and emblazoned with memory-invoking materials and pictures, artist/activist Francia documents Jewish life, symbolism and synagogues. She will accompany the national tour of this exhibit and present lectures and workshops in Louisville, KY, Nashville TN, Oneonta NY, and Houston TX. Schedule from Francia, 55 Bethune St. #B645, New York, NY 10014, (212)727-1756.
Teens & 20’s
TV’s “Blossom”—Mayim Bialik—narrates an 8-minute video encouraging Jewish teens to become politically involved, bringing them to Washington to meet face-to-face with their representatives. Panim el Panim, 11710 Hunters Lane, Rockville MD 20852, (301)770-5070.
Sexual Harassment and Teenagers discusses how harassment occurs in dating, in school and at work, and how teens can respond. 12-page booklet $2.25; bulk discounts. Mount Elmore Institute, P.O. Box24], Montpelier, VT 05601, (802)229-0100.
Am I Blue? Coming Out from the Silence edited by Marion Dane Bauer (Harper Collins, 1995, $11.95) includes 16 short stories by noted authors for young adults, exploring aspects of growing up gay or lesbian or with gay or lesbian friends or parents. Variously I humorous, lyrical, irreverent; some stories have Jewish contexts. Royalties are shared with Parents, Families and Friends of Lesbians and Gays (P-FLAG) for their Respect All Youth Project, which gives information about healthy sexuality to all youth.
MetroGirls is a quarterly bulletin on issues affecting girls and young women ages 13-25, written for educators, policy makers, parents and young women themselves. A recent issue— headlined “Is Intelligence the New Scarlet Letter?”—features a critique of teen girl magazines, science programs, and hotline numbers for teen mothers. One year subscription $30. MetroGirls, 4326 River Rd.. #200, Washington, DC 20016-4512, (202)686-9833.
The Hillel International Leaders Assembly, a convention of over 200 Jewish student activists, is an opportunity to network with peers, educators and leaders from around the world. August 23-27 at Camp Moshava, Honesdale, Pennsylvania. Contact the Hillel on your campus or Amy Bebchick at (202)857-6560 or abebchic@hillel.org
The Israel Women’s Network plays a pivotal role in advancing the status of women in Israel. Recent advocacy accomplishments: the adoption of gender equality programs by the Ministry of Education, courses for Jewish and Arab women health professionals, assisting agunot in addressing marriage and divorce in Jewish law, training women for civic leadership, and litigating affirmative action for women in public life. To become a supporter, send $48 ($36 for unsalaried persons) and receive “Networking for Women” quarterly. Friends of Israel Women’s Network, P. O. Box 559, Union, NJ 08083; or earmark your check for IWN to New Israel Fund. P.O. Box 91588, Washington. DC 20090.
The Open University of Israel, established in 1974, offers academic degrees, providing higher education to about 20.000 people (who study regardless of where they live or their previous education). Students include many homemakers. Information and contributions: American Friends of the Open University of Israel, 330 W. 58 St., #401, New York, NY 10019, (212)713-1515.
The Jewish Spiritual Leadership Program offers a one-year intensive program of study in which students gain skills, knowledge and understanding of Jewish spirituality in an egalitarian pluralistic context in order to serve the changing needs of their communities. Teachers include: Sylvia Boorstein. Amy Eilberg, Nan Fink. Estelle Frankel, Anna Matta. Naomi Newman, Leah Novick, liana Shatz. Chochmat HaLev, 2140 Shattuck Ave. #403. Berkeley CA 94704, (510)704-9687.
The Israel Equality Monitor features a theme—health care, housing, early childhood education—in each quarterly issue, comparing various social group, past and present, and Israel with other societies. Edited by Barbara Swirski and designed for concerned citizens, policy makers, and activists working for equality of opportunity and social justice. Published in Hebrew. Arabic and English editions. $30 annual subscription.
Adva Center, P.O. Box 36529. Tel Aviv 61363. Israel, 03-290416,
Fax 03-5251843.
Prejudice reduction workshops offer insight into the emotional and institutional impact of discrimination, and teach participants how to remove the hurt and powerlessness which keep racism, sexism. anti-Semitism, and homophobia in place. Leaders are trained to work on conflict resolution when they return to their local communities, campuses and other settings. Cherie Brown. National Coalition Building Institute. 1835 K SI.. NW#715, Washington. DC 20006, (202) 785-9400. FAX (202)785-3385.
Seniors striving to live independently—especially women—often need a valuable but little used rest)urce: the knowledge and experience of other seniors. Elder-Serve is a toll-free referral service staffed by senior volunteers who dispense information, advice and referrals on subjects such as free or low-cost transportation, social security, legal help, housing, daycare, etc. This project is directed by the Hebrew Home for the Aged in Riverdale, New York. Phone 800-56-SENIORS (800-56-736-4677), I0AM-3PM.
Be Entertained
Hear the voices of biblical women in recording of songs by composer and songwriter Elizabeth Swados and company, offering lively interpretations of the spiritual, intelligent, feisty, lost, curious, contemplative, comic and loving sides of Esther. Ruth, Sara. Miriam, Lilith. Eve and Deborah. CD ($16) or cassette ($9). produced by Milan Entertainment. “Bible Women” from Ma’yan. The Jewish Women’s Project. 180 W. 80 St., #216, New York, NY 10024, (212)580-0099.
The Jewish Entertainment Resource Directory lists performance artists, storytellers, musicians, etc.. eager to bring their interpretations of Jewish culture to new audiences. 106 pages. $18.JERD, P.O. Box 12692, Alexandria. LA 71315- 2962, (318)442-TUNE.