Where to go for what if you're Jewish and Female
Jewish organizations are collecting funds for restoration, organizing visits, forwarding letters, supporting legislation for federal prosecution of the arsonists and offering prayers on behalf of the burnt churches. Your check to “Help Rebuild the Churches Fund” may be sent to: American Jewish Committee. 165 E. 56t St., New York. NY 10022; American Jewish Congress, 15 E. 84th St.. NY, NY 10028, Anti- Defamation League, 823 UN Plaza, NY. NY 10017; Union of American Hebrew Congregations, 838 Fifth Ave. NY. NY 10021; or United Synagogue of Conservative Judaism, 155 Fifth Ave., NY, NY 10010.
A marriage enrichment program for Jewish prisoners and their spouses trains them in relationship enhancement, discussion skills, problem and conflict resolution and self-changing guidelines. Over 100 couples have participated in the last six years and in 1997 a Parenting Seminar for those with small children will be offered. These are projects of a non-profit organization that serves the unique needs of Jews in prison, the military and “anywhere else where they and their families may become isolated from their heritage.” The Aleph Institute, 9500 Collins Ave. P.O. Box 547127. Surfside, FL 33154; (305) 865-5553, fax (305) 864-5675; http://www.aleph.institute.
International Coalition for Jewish Prisoner Services, a volunteer organization, publishes letters, articles and lists of support services in The Coalition News. Contributions make possible their outreach as a resource center, clearinghouse and referral agency. ICJPS, B’nai B’rith’ International, 1640 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington. DC 20036.
The Parent Connection helps parents be “Jewish teachers” to their kids. Early childhood kits include activity/discussion guides for each of 30 recommended books (available in stores); libraries may lend books and guides to families. $50 each from Bureau of Jewish Education, 333 Nahunton St., Newton MA 02159; (617)965-7350.
The Jewish Homeschooler’s Newsletter publishes personal stories, book reviews, holiday recipes and craft ideas for Jewish families-of all denominations- who teach their children at home. Sample $3; subscriptions $12. Payable to Marilyn Lowe, Jewish Homeschooling Network, 1295 Marshall Dr.. SE, Salem, OR 97302; (503)362-1203.
“It’s Not OK: Let’s Talk About Domestic Violence” is a video for professionals working with children who witness domestic violence and is an attempt to help children find constructive and safe ways to respond to the reality of recurring violence. (It is not meant for stand-alone, home entertainment or broadcast media.) $15 plus $3.95 (S&H). Publication Orders, American Bar Association, P.O. Box 10892, Chicago, IL 60610.
A Reference Card for Rabbis on how to help individuals and families cope with family violence gives clues to recognizing victims of family violence and lists available resources to assist clergy in intervention. Order from UJA Federation Interagency Task Force on Family Violence, do PEGS, 6900 Jericho Tpk., Syosset, NY 11791.
Rape: Do you ever get over it? For a book on the long term effects of rape on adult women, if you are a survivor of rape and would be willing to complete a confidential questionnaire (no matter how long ago the rape occurred or whether or not it was reported), please call (800) 221-6411 or write Artemis Research, P.O. Box 26005, Shoreview, MN 55126-0005.
Handling harassment.
Please send success stories of how you have coped tor a book on this subject to the author Helen Forelle,Women Against Sexual Harassment, P.O. Box 164, Canton, SD 57013-0164; (605) 987-5070.
The Lisa Libraries have supplied new copies of children’s books that were donated by authors and editors to budget crunched social service organizations and have established children’s book libraries in 58 locations in the U.S. and some overseas. Baby Sitters Club author Ann Martin and her assistant Elisa Geleibter founded this project in memory of children’s book editor Lisa Novak, who was killed by an intruder in 1990. They ship nearly 400 books a week to battered women’s shelters, foster care organizations, walk-in centers for runaways and prisoners. You can send new books—or suggest a needy organization—by contacting: The Lisa Libraries, do Peter F. Reilly, Inc. 491 Bergen St., Brooklyn, NY 11217.
A “Read In” for National Jewish Book Month. In November children can get family, friends and neighbors to contribute money for each book they read, and thereby raise funds to help meet the special needs of the Jewish blind and increase communal awareness. Jewish Braille Institute of America, 110 E. 30th St., New York. NY 10016; (212) 889-2525.
Children’s literature in Israel is the theme of the Spring/ Summer 1996 (new series #16) of Modem Hebrew Literature, an English-language publication. It features a historical survey from the country’s didactic beginnings to its current flowering, and eleven excerpts and mini-biographies of contemporary writers such as Ruth Almog, Irit Amit, Daniella Carmi, Nira Harel, Dorit Orgad, Yael Rosman and Yona Tepper. Annual subscriptions are $12; single copies are $6. The Institute for the Translation of Hebrew Literature, Steimatzky House, 11 Hakishon St., Bnei Brak, Israel; 972-3- 579-6830; fax 972-3-579-6832.
Reading Ruach is a bimonthly newsletter created by Susan Spector and Jill Kassander with information on new books for the Jewish classroom and suggested lesson plans. Recent themes have been folk tales, award-winning books, biographies, and books on the Holocaust. Subscriptions are $24 per year (add $5 outside the U. S.); back issues are $5. The Reading Ruach Book Club offers schools and families an opportunity to purchase books for young readers. Reading Ruach, PO Box 411302, St. Louis, MO 63141-1302.
The Sugarman Family Award for Jewish Children’s Literature will award $750 for a book for children ages 3-16 published in the United States. After the competition submissions will be available to the public for research and study as part of a special collection at the District of Columbia Jewish Community Center library. Guidelines from DCJCC, 1836 Jefferson PI. NW, Washington DC 20036; (202)775-1765; fax (202) 331-7667.
Mercaz represents Conservative (Masorti) Judaism in Israel with representatives to the World Zionist Organization and the Jewish Agency for Israel—in proportion to the number of its members. These international bodies serve as a parliament of the Jewish people, making policy and disbursing funds. Mercaz annual dues are $15 for individuals, $25 for a family, and $5 for students, and are tax deductible. Mercaz, U.S.A., J55 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10010: (212)533-7800 x2016.
The Association of Reform Zionists of America represents Reform Judaism in Israel and sponsors synagogues, schools, and community centers in Israel. Membership is $36 per year, $5 for students. ARZA, 838 Fifth Ave., New York(, NY 10021; (212) 249-0100.
The Israel Women’s Network is a nonprofit organization that lobbies for women’s rights in the Knesset and offers programs to promote women’s participation in Israeli political life. Members pay $48 per year (unsalaried persons, $36), and receive the quarterly newsletter in Hebrew or English. IWN, P.O. Box 3171, Jerusalem, Israel; 972-2-439966, fax 972-2-435976.
The Secular Yiddish School in America Collection documents the four networks of schools (primarily afternoon and weekend schools) that were established in North America by the mid 1920’s; the Farhand of the socialist Workmen’s Circle, the Farhand of the Labor Zionist Jewish National Workers Alliance, the apolitical Sholein Aleichem Folk Institute, and the Ordn of the communist International Workers Order. A resource for scholars of second language learning, multiculturalism immigration policy and bilingual education, as well as for teachers of Yiddish, the collection is seeking contributions of curricula!’ materials in Yiddish and English, souvenir and graduation journals, memoirs, photographs, student and teacher notebooks, board meeting minutes, and material on philosophy and pedagogy. Contact Margaret Kimball. Special Collections, Stanford University Libraries, Stanford,’CA 94305-6004.
Pictures, toys, poems, stories created by children during the Holocaust are sought for a permanent collection and exhibit for the new museum to open in Battery Park City in 1997. Contact Sheba Skirball. Museum of Jewish Heritage, 342 Madison Ave.. New York, NY 10173; (212) 687-9141.
The Jewish Gay Lesbian, Bisexual and Transsexual Archives (JGLTA) is comprised of newspaper and magazine articles, posters, videos, CD, audiocassettes, brochures, T-shirts, kippot and hundreds of books about Jews with alternative sexualities. Johnny Abush, who has assembled over 7,000 artifacts and database, is seeking to transfer the collection from his apartment lo a permanent home. Contact him also regarding items to add: Johnny Ahush, 50 Alexander St. #1407. Toronto, Ontario, Canada M4Y 1B6; (416) 929-6873 or via e-mail at faygelah@astral.magic.ca; http;//www.magic.cal-fayge-lah/index.html
Malignant melanoma is the most common cancer among women 25 to 19 years old, and early detection can save your life. A free brochure includes a body map, instructions for self-examination and shows the warning signs of all major skin cancers. Send a SASE to The Skin Cancer Foundation, Box 561, Dept. SE, New York, NY 10156; (212) 725-5176; fax (2/2) 725-5757
Gaucher Disease is a rare inherited enzyme deficiency that occurs with a high prevalence in the Ashkenazi Jewish population. “Current Issues in Diagnosis and Treatment” is a free brochure you can order from National Institute of Health Consensus Program Information Service, P.O. Box : 2577, Kensington, MD 20891; (800) 644-6627; fax (301) 816-2494; texts available also on the Internet: http://text.nlm.nlh.gov
Ashkenazi Jews who have had symptoms of schizophrenia— which include hallucinations, emotional impairment, paranoia, lack of motivation, and inability to experience pleasure—are sought for a new study trying to locate genes that contribute to the development of the disorder and to find better treatments for it. (There is no indication yet that schizophrenia occurs more frequently in this or any other ethnic racial or religious population.) Researchers at Johns Hopkins University Hospital will interview participants and take blood samples. All information will be kept completely confidential. Call Dr Ann Pulver toll-free at (888) 289-4095. (Baltimore residents call 410-955-0455).
Give Your Lungs a Religious Experience—”This Shabbos light candles not cigarettes” is a Jewish awareness advertising campaign of the National Jewish Outreach Program that expands the American Cancer Society’s “Great American Smokeout” to a once-a-week experience by appealing to both physical and spiritual concerns. The NJOP brochure, “12 Things to Do While You’re not Smoking on Shabbos,” is available from the National Jewish Outreach Program, 485 Fifth Ave., #701, New York, NY 10017; (212) 986- 7450. E-mail to njop@worldplaza.com