Where to go for what if you're Jewish and female
Commemorating 350 Years of American Jewish History, a scholars conference will meet in Washington, DC, June 6-8, 2004, co-sponsored by the American Jewish Historical Society, the Jacob Rader Marcus Center of the American Jewish Archives, the Library of Congress, the National Archives and Records Administration, and by American University’s Jewish Studies Program. Send proposals for sessions with a short biography by October 1, 2003 to Pamela S. Nadell,
How have gender and ethnicity affected the academic careers of Jewish women? For a collective biography of Jewish women in academia in the mid-twentieth century— On the Fringes of Academia: Jewish Women as University Faculty—Harriet Freidenreich of Temple University seeks help in identifying Jewish women professors, researchers or administrators in all fields and in any country, born before 1945— whether or not they are still alive—who might identify themselves as Jews.
Rosh Chodesh—The Jewish Women;s Educational Conference—co-sponsored by Lilith magazine, the Community Foundation for Jewish Education and the Women’s Foundation of Metropolitan Chicago, will be held October 26 at Northwestern University. DBartonGrant@cfje.org or (847)509-8282×13
Professor Dafna Izraeh Research Scholarships in Gender Studies have been established in memory of the noted Israeli feminist academician and activist at the Gewurz Center at Bar Ilan University in Ramat Gan, Israel. To learn more or make a donation, e-mail
High school in Israel?
The Elite Academy invites Jewish teens aged 15-16 to study for three years (grades 10-12) at any of 60 Israeli high schools and qualify for the Israeli matriculation exam which is internationally recognized for university admission. Full scholarships will cover airfare, tuition, room and board and pocket money. Jewish students from North America, children of Jewish immigrants to North America and Israeli citizens living in North America are eligible. (212)339-6099:
Ritual Garments for Jewish Women are the subject of two articles in the quarterly publication of the Pomegranate Guild of Judaic Needlework. In the August 2002 issue, Ita Aber describes historic clothing distinctive to Jewish females—for example, the custom of wearing a burial shroud under a bridal dress or being buried in one’s bridal clothing. Aber describes garments with fringes that are precedents for modern day Jewish women’s wearing of tallitot. In the winter 2003 issue, Millicent Swerdlow tells how to make a tallit that is unique and suited to the personality of the person who will wear it. To receive a copy of these articles send a stamped self-addressed envelope to Ita Aber, 4465 Douglas Ave, #8G, Bronx, NY 10471-3523.
Bat Mitzvah is a rare opportunity for religious creativity, note Jennifer Breger and Lisa Schlaff, editors of The Orthodox Jewish Woman and Ritual: Options and Opportunities. Included are reflections of a mother, a bat mitzvah girl, a tutor, sample prayers, and a bibliography. Other pamphlets are Shabbat and On Death and Mourning; $7.50 each from. The Jewish Orthodox Feminist Alliance, 15 E. 26th St., #915, New York, NY 10010.
Pray Tell:
A Hadassah Guide to Jewish Prayer by Rabbi Jules Harlow includes chapters on “Women’s Spiritual Alternatives” by Tamara Cohen; “Orthodox Women’s Private Prayers” by Leora Tanenbaum and Vanessa Paloma; “Israeli Poetry as Prayer” by Rochelle Furstenberg, and Rabbi Daniel Gordis on “Prayer as a Response to Evil and Suffering.” It also includes excerpts from Susan Weidman Sclmeider’s germinal book, Jewish and Female. $29.95 from Jewish Lights Publishing.
Towards a More Balanced Wedding Ceremony. Rabbi Dov Linzer discusses opportunities within halakha for creating a more egalitarian wedding ceremony, in one of several articles on weddings in the summer 2003 issue of the JOFA Journal, To request a copy call (212)679-8500 or e-mail andrea.levin@jofa.org or jofa@rcn.com
Miriam’s Cup, fill it up. Artists are invited to send imaginative goblets, glasses, cups, pitchers, chalices and vessels in celebration of Miriam the Prophet for an art competition, exhibition and sale at the Jewish Community Center of Dallas, taking place in February and March 2004. A $30 application and fee is due by October 15 with art to follow. Judy Cohn, (214)739-2737, ext. 215,
The Jewish Women’s Theatre Project in Los Angeles develops and produces plays and non-traditional theatre events primarily, but not exclusively by Jewish women. The professional, not for- profit theatre company, founded by Jan Lewis in 1996, features works that challenge stereotypes and explore questions of cultural identity, and will tailor readings to meet requirements of diverse audiences. (An At- Homes New-Play salon series presents theatre in hosting homes followed by dessert and post-play discussions.) Recent playwrights include: Jenna Zark, Barbarah Kahn, Susan Merson and Ronda Spinak. This fall will bring a production of “The Left Hand Singing” by Barbara Lebow (“Shayna Maidel”). (310)398-7117;
Princess Moxie Rules is an audience-participatory feminist hand puppet musical produced and performed— by invitation—by Jewish educator Jennifer Levine. It features a beautiful princess who does not need rescuing.
Save Women’s Lives: March for Freedom of Choice marks the first time that major prochoice organizations have officially collaborated to launch this type of demonstration. Reproductive rights are facing unprecedented attacks in Congress, the courts, the states, and the White House (see Think Tank, page 10). Mark your calendars and tell your friends to plan to inarch on Washington on Sunday, April 25, 2004. Tell Congress and the President that we will not give up our right to reproductive freedom. Many Jewish women’s organizations will be marching en masse. If you’re a member, march with your group; if you want to connect with other Lilith readers and march with Lilith, let us know: Lilithmag@aol.com. The march on Washington will begin at noon starting at the Lincoln Memorial, followed by a rally from 1-4 p.m. on the National Mall.
Holocaust on Your Plate. Roberta Kalechofsky, founder and president of Jews for Animal Rights, vegetarian and animal rights activist has written a protest against the campaign by PETA, (People for the Ethical Treatment of Animals) which compares animal suffering to the Holocaust. Animal Suffering and the Holocaust: The Problem with Comparisons.
Mothers balance multiple responsibilities, often alone. “Welfare, Women, and Health; The Role of Temporary Assistance for Needy Families.” a report prepared by Jodie Levin-Epstein of the Center for Law and Social Policy for the Kaiser Family Foundation, reflects on lessons learned from recent research on the connection between welfare policies and low-income women’s health.
Bat Shalom, a feminist peace organization working toward a just peace between Israel and its Arab neighbors, has a newly designed website featuring their past and current political statements and photos of their political action campaigns over the years.
Women’s Voices in War Zones. The Women’s World Organization for Rights, Literature and Development, or Women’s WORLD, a global free speech network of feminist writers, has posted the essays of the winners of its first annual international writing contest. The contest was designed to bring forward voices not being heard in the current discussion of war and terrorism, particularly those of ordinary women trapped in military, political, economic and domestic war zones.
The Art of Aging. Aging is a lifelong journey affecting relationships, creativity, memory. continuity, and growth—a process referred to often in Jewish texts. It is interpreted in painting, sculpture, photography, installation, mixed media, and video by contemporary artists from Israel and North America in an exhibit, September 2, 2003 – June 25, 2004 at Hebrew Union College, 1 W 4th St., New York, NY 10012. Lilith magazine will host a musical evening as part of the exhibit, featuring Mira Spektor, Leslie Hollis Margulies and others on November 18.
Today I Vote for My Joey is a tragic comedy, a short film written, directed and produced by Aviva Kempner, about the 2000 election results in Palm Beach Florida. It depicts a group of feisty older Jews and a Haitian nurse proudly going to vote for the first Jewish vice presidential candidate. Their day is ruined when they find they mistakenly voted for their nemesis, Pat Buchanan.
To Live Until I Die is a 58- minute film that follows six individuals who face terminal illnesses with humor and insight, anger and honesty and are determined to have what they consider a “good death.” Fanlight Productions;