Where to Go for What if You're Jewish and Female
Bring This To Your Community
Sarah and Hagar: A Socio-Drama Workshop begins with a 7-minute trigger film, created by filmmaker and activist Lilly Rivlin, dramatizing the relationship between Sarah and Hagar, and presenting interviews with contemporary Arab and Israeli women. In a 2 to 3 hour program, participants reenact key moments in the story dealing with jealousy, sharing, surrogacy, motherhood, legacy, father-son relationships, class, gender, race and conflict resolution. Suitable for divinity schools, womens studies and comparative religion departments, interfaith conferences, Hillel groups and other organizations. Lilly Rivlin, 463 West St., #510A, New York, NY 10014. (212)242-0327.
Customized concerts. Songwriter, choir conductor, and cantorial soloist Linda Hirschhorn will teach new Jewish music to a chorus of all ages in your community. The end product is a concert. Hirschhorn”s music is mostly in the form of rounds and canons with words from traditional liturgy, and texts emphasizing peace, justice and inclusive language. Songs include celebrations of Miriam, Sarah, Hagar, Ruth, Naomi and the daughters of Judah. Linda Hirschhorn, Oyster Albums, P.O. Box 3929, Berkeley, CA 94703. (510)654-0799. FAX (510)655-3598.
Cantors in Concert is a traveling cabaret-style show of Broadway, Yiddish and liturgical music performed by 6 cantorial students at the Jewish Theological Seminary (4 of them women). Proceeds go to a fund to reinstate the year of study in Israel for cantorial students. Lilly Kaufman, JTS, 3080 Broadway, New York, NY 10027. (212) 678-8805.
Keeping Body and Soul Together
The Mosaic Outdoor Club is a national Jewish nonprofit all volunteer organization fostering interaction between Jewish people in outdoor environments, in order to educate and preserve the outdoors, while having a good time. Local groups already exist in Atlanta Baltimore, Boston, Denver, Hartford, Miami, New York, Orlando, Philadlephia, Raleigh, Rochester, Tucson, and nuclei are forming in Anchorage, Charlotte NC, New Orleans, and Washington, DC. To find out about a group near you, contact Steve Harris, Mosaic Outdoor Mountain Club of Connecticut, Inc., P.O.B. 370233, West Hartford, CT 06119. (203)722-3900.
The National Breast Cancer Coalition notifies activists of pending legislative issues related to breast cancer on which action—phone calls, letterwriting, mailgrams, legislative visits—are needed. NBCC, 1707LSt.NW, Washington, DC. (202) 296- 7477. FAX (202)265-6854.
Beta Israel:The Jews of Ethiopia is an exhibit of textiles, pottery, tools and baskets retrieved during the course of 18 missions by the North America Conference on Ethiopian Jewry, and originally shown at Yeshiva University Museum. It will be on view this year in Maryland, Kansas, Ohio and Michigan, and eventually become part of the permanent collection of the Israel Museum in Jerusalem. Under the auspices of the Department of Cultural Affairs of the Israel Consulate of New York, NACOEJ and Y.U.M. the exhibit is available for loan to facilities with the necessary environmental controls, curatorial services, and security. Michele Seligmann, NACOEJ. 165 E. 56th St., New York NY 10022. (212)752-6340.
Take Our Daughters to Work Day, scheduled for April 27, 1995 will bring an estimated 3 million girls (ages 9-15) to workplaces across the U.S. This day helps girls begin to realize their dreams and ambitions Write for details about how your workplace or school can participate. Ms. Foundation for Women, 141 Fifth Ave., 6-S, New York, NY 10010. (212) 742-2300.
Becoming an Askable Parent: How to talk with your child about sexuality is a 20-page booklet stressing that sexuality education includes not only sex, but also the roles, behaviors and values people associate with being a man or woman. $2.00 includes postage. Ask also about other publications from the American Social Health Association, P.O. Box 13827, Research Triangle Park, NC 27709. (919)361-8400.
“Calls for Materials”
The Third International Sephardic Film Festival will take place at the Film Society of Lincoln Center in New York City in April 1995. Send films of Sephardic interest, including home movies which depict family life and life cycle celebrations. Janice Ovadiah, Sephardic House, 2112 Broadway, New York, NY 10012. (212)496-2173.
Have any video memoirs on the women’s movement? Archival and contemporary footage, home movies, still photographs, posters, graphics, slides of art work and tapes of women’s music? Do you want to record your memories? These are all needed to research and develop The Second Wave, a documentary series for television. Send for guidelines. Terry Lawler, Women Make Movies, 462 Broadway, #500, New York, NY 10013. (212) 925-0606, FAX 925-2052.
Charlotte Salomon, a painter who developed a unique art form she called an “operetta” consisting of water color scenes overlaid with captions, dialogue and musical accompaniments, left behind 700 paintings before her death in Auschwitz. Mary Felstiner, author of To Paint Her Life: Charlotte Salomon in the Nazi Era, is appealing for help in finding more of Salomon’s missing work. Mary Felstiner, History Dept., San Francisco State University, San Francisco, CA 94132.
Children of interfaith marriages can learn about their Jewish heritage, and parents can be helped to deal with issues of religious identity in a tuition-free two year program. Based on an interdenominational model in Denver, where rabbis (from different branches of Judaism) and psychologists address adults, and teachers explore holidays, history and ritual with children, the program has been replicated with some variations in fifteen cities nationwide. Learn about starting one in your area from Rabbi Sharon Forman, Dept for Religious Education, UAHC, 838 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10021. (212)249-0100.
Reading Marterial
Holocaust-related literature in Braille or Talking Book Format is available free to blind and visually impaired persons. A catalog includes books such as The Abandonment of the Jews, and From That Time And Place by Lucy Dawidowicz; Auschwitz: Beginning a New Era edited by Eva Fleischner; An Interrupted Life by Etty Hillesum; All But My Life by Gerta Klein; Fragments of Isabella by Isabella Leitner; Beyond Belief and Denying the Holocaust by Deborah Lipstadt; and And the Sun Kept Shining by Bertha Salz. Contact Mindy J. Fliegelman, Library Services, Jewish Braille Institute of America, HOE. 30th St, New York, NY 10016 (212)889-2525. (Incidentally, if LILITH receives sufficient requests from readers for LILITH itself, JBI will make the magazine available in these formats. Let us hear from you.)
Broomstick, A Quarterly National Magazine By, For & About Women Over Forty has ceased publication after 15 years of bringing the personal experience and observations of mid-life and long-living feminists to a limited but thoughtful audience. For a list, by themes, of back issues for sale: Broomstick, 3543 18th St. #3, San Francisco, CA 94110.
Professional creative and performing artists are invited to apply for an extended residency program at the Arad Arts Project in Israel. Sessions run October through May each year. Applications (due end of July) and information from Ruth Rauch, Center for Jewish Culture & Creativity, 1801 Ave. of the Stars, #300, Los Angeles, CA 90067.
Feminist Economics is a new journal of the International Association for Feminist Economics, dedicated to interdisciplinary discourse on feminist perspectives on economics and the economy. Submission details from editor Diana Strassmann, Feminist Economics, MS-9 Rice University, 6100 S. Main St., Houston TX 77005-1892. (713)527-4660. dls@rice.edu
The Jewish community of Buenos Aires was devastated this past summer by the bombing of its Jewish Community Center in which over 100 people were killed and communal archives destroyed. Send contributions to JDC-Argentine Relief Fund, 711 Third Ave., New York, NY 10017, or B’nai B’rith Disaster Relief Fund, Attn: Argentina Jewish Community Fund, 1640 Rhode Island Ave. NW, Washington, DC 20036.
The Israel Free Loan Association has, since 1990, distributed over $4 million in loans to nearly 5,000 immigrants via Sambla programs. Two employees and a cadre of volunteers process 250 loans each month, which have the remarkable default rate of approximately 2%. Help this “teach a person to fish” approach; send your check to the American Friends of lFLA, Inc. Roslyn Eichen, 120 Hards La., Lawrence, NY 11559. (516)239- 7435. Or contact IFLA directly at 64 Aza St., Jerusalem 92384, Israel. (972-2)630248, FAX (972-2)669504.
Rosh Hodesh a new newsletter wants a profile of your Rosh Hodesh group—goals and identities, membership and affiliations; meeting format and focus, Rosh Hodesh rituals, (monthly, occasional, and life cycle); women’s learning; feminist midrash, prayers, poetry, meditations, songs, movements; crafts; reviews of Rosh Hodesh resources and artwork. Adina Levin, 20 Banks St., Somerville, MA 02144, or by e-mail to alevin@world.std.com.
Jewish liturgy written by women for women Covenant of the Heart contains prayers, poetry, meditations and reflections written by individual members of sisterhoods and women rabbis from Reform congregations. Designed for use at meetings and gatherings for study and worship. $12.50. Women of Reform Judaism, 838 Fifth Ave., New York, NY 10021. (212) 249-0100.