The Talmud and “Female Viagra”

A woman for whom sex has become a chore, something she neither looks forward to, nor thinks about during her daily life, may go along with her partner and have sex because she thinks she should, but doing so is neither very appealing nor very satisfying. And while what happens in the bedroom may be passable, the effects of her disinterest begin to be felt outside the bedroom. The playfulness may be gone. The kiss goodbye in the morning may become rote. The feeling of “you and me” together in this may start to erode. In the end, the feeling of being “wanted” by your partner is what is so very powerful and necessary in a sexual relationship. When the “wanting” is gone, sex can never be the same.

So a drug that can help a woman “want” as she navigates the complexity of her life, a drug that supports her effort to find the enjoyment in sex again is not a small thing. It’s a big thing. Because the Talmud may have had this right, it’s not just about what happens in the bedroom.  Sex is about the entire relationship.