Link Roundup: Modesty and the Ever-Present Gender Gap
Welcome to this week’s installment of Lilith’s Link Roundup. Each week we post Jewish and feminist highlights from around the web. If there’s anything you want to be sure we know about, email us or leave a message in the comments section below.
Di Tzaytung, a Brooklyn-based Orthodox weekly came under fire after removing U.S. Secretary of State Hillary Clinton and Director for Counterterrorism Audrey Tomason from the now-famous Situation Room photo. The newspaper released a statement saying, “Our editorial policies are guided by a Rabbinical Board and because of laws of modesty, does not allow for the publishing of photos of women.” [Lilith blog]
Sarah Seltzer reported on why “Slutwalks” are sweeping the globe. First started in Toronto, Slutwalks combat the notion that women who dress like “sluts” are asking to be raped. [AlterNet]
Parenting columnist Marjorie Ingall shared why standardized testing is “antithetical to Jewish values.” [Tablet Magazine]
Friend of Lilith Chanel Dubofsky explained how volunteering at Planned Parenthood on Shabbat provided her with a meaningful Jewish experience. [The Sisterhood]
Elmira Bayrasli explained the Twitter gender gap and why women are under-represented in the OpEd sections of major newspapers. [Forbes]
A Texas high school cheerleader was kicked off her cheerleading squad after refusing to cheer for her rapist, who played on the school’s basketball team. After losing a court case against the school, she has been ordered to reimburse the school $45,000 in legal fees and was denied an appeal case by the U.S. Supreme Court. [Huffington Post]
AlterNet named the 10 worst states to be a woman. [AlterNet]